Supporting male victims of domestic abuse in Cambridgeshire

Through our service we can offer long term support to men, whether you have children or not.
We can offer you advice and guidance on a range of situations and we can also signpost you to relevant services in the local area.

Emotional Support
Practical Support
Support with attending court and other meetings
Counselling with a specialist DV Counsellor
Advice and guidance to professionals
It's serious
1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner, and on average, 12 men per year are killed by their partner or ex partner.
It’s common
1 in 6 men will suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime.
It’s time to reach out
Abuse can take a range of forms and can last for a significant length of time. Don’t suffer in silence, reach out to B United.
How we support male victims
Watch our short presentation on the B United services, or aims, and how we work with the community.

Pretending Nothing Happened
"No one will believe you"
Promising to never do it again
No one else could ever love you
Hitting you
It is always your fault
Screaming at you
Trying to trick you
Tracking you
Nonstop calls/ texts
Forcing you to have sex
Blocking your exit
Breaking your things
Get in touch
You can call B United on 01733 894 964 or alternatively, use the contact form below: